How to Cleanse Your Energy Field with a Sage Smudge Stick

How to Cleanse Your Energy Field with a Sage Smudge Stick

Sage is an aromatic plant that has been used for centuries to bless, heal and cleanse people, objects and space. The aromatic smoke of a burning bundle of sage, called a smudge stick, can be used to "wash" outside energies from the energy field that surrounds ones physical body. This can be done before a special event or when entering a sacred space, such as home. Learn here how to work with a smudge stick effectively.

Things You'll Need:

Sage smudge stick, any variety

Large Feather (optional)

Lighter or matches

Bowl or other container to catch ashes and to extinguish sage

Cleansing yourself with sage smoke


Take a few deep breaths and focus yourself. Light the end of the stick over a bowl or container, holding the flame until the leaves catch fire. Gently blow out the flames. The stick should be smoking now.


Using a feather or your hand, begin to direct the smoke around your body. There is no "right" way to do this, so just follow your inner guidance, or start from the bottom up. Direct the smoke to your feet and then move up towards your heart.


Say a prayer, state an intention or call in any spirit guides or helpers, asking them to help "clear" you. Continue directing the smoke around the front, back and sides of your body.


Take your time. When you are cleansing your upper body, circle the sage stick around your head. Direct the smoke over the top over your crown.


When you feel complete, extinguish the sage stick by gently pushing the end of the stick into a burn-proof container. You can use sand in the container to help snuff the stick out.

Tips & Warnings

Cleansing with sage is a ceremony. Make it special. Be in a quiet space or turn soft music on - do whatever is special to you. This time is for you!

Be sure to use the container to catch smoldering embers, to protect carpet and other surfaces.

How to Cleanse With a Raw Food Diet

How to Cleanse With a Raw Food Diet

A raw food diet, unlike other forms of cleansing, can be performed for a single day or for an entire lifetime. Raw foods are full of living enzymes that help your body in digestion, elimination and absorption, ensuring a thorough cleansing of your entire body as well as a supply of all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. A few tips can get you started.


Dive right in. Unlike other cleansing diets which require that you take a few days beforehand to eliminate meats, fats, sugars and other foods, a raw food diet can be started today with no problems. A raw food diet may be mentally difficult, as you will miss cooked foods; however, detox is gentle and does not require preparation.


Choose fresh, organic produce to aid in cleansing. The fruits and vegetables that you eat are only as good as the soil they are grown in, and pesticides and fertilizers destroy the vitamin and mineral nutrients in the soil. Additionally, waxes and other chemicals defeat the purpose of your raw food diet by introducing harmful chemicals into your body.


Make sure that you get plenty of fat and protein in your diet. Healthy fats can be found in avocados, nuts, seeds and vegetables oils. The best raw food sources of protein include nutritional yeast, sprouted beans, grains and seeds and raw nuts and nut butters.


Get creative with your raw food recipes, creating a variety of salads, dressings and desserts. There are many great resources online which offer simple recipes and gourmet entrees.


Select a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and raw grains to ensure that you get a balance of all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. This is a great time to try items you have never dared to try before, such as jicama or agave.


Leave the peel on whenever possible, as the majority of nutrients in fruits and veggies are found near the surface. Most items, such as cucumber, carrot and jicama can simply be scrubbed and eaten.


Warm things up if you begin to crave hot foods. You can make raw soups, heating in a double boiler; however, do not heat foods higher than 103 degrees Fahrenheit or they will no longer be raw. Additionally, you might try a food dehydrator to make breads, crackers and even pizza to liven up your cleansing diet.

Tips & Warnings

If you choose a cleansing raw food diet for longer than two weeks, take a B vitamin complex as well as B12 in a sublingual form, as B vitamins are most commonly found in meats and animal products.

How to Cleanse to Stop Sugar Cravings

How to Cleanse to Stop Sugar Cravings

Because of the amount of sugar and processed foods in the typical American diet, it's easy to become addicted to the taste of sugar and the feeling it gives you. You can stop your sugar cravings, though, with a full-body cleanse. The longer you avoid sugar, the less intense your cravings are.

Before Your Cleanse


Determine why you crave sugar. The best way to do this is through observation. Before you try to eliminate your cravings with a cleanse, carry a notebook with you for at least a week. Whenever a craving strikes, record the time, how you feel, what you're doing and exactly what you crave. If you give in to your craving, record the emotional and physical sensations.


Review your notes at the end of the week for more insight into your sugar cravings. Categorize your cravings as motivated primarily by emotions, the physical effect of sugar or primarily hunger.


Realize that if you crave sugar to satisfy emotional cravings, you need to replace eating sugary foods with a positive activity. Without this, even a cleanse can't make your sugar cravings go away.


Understand that you must replace the physical effect of sugar with another physical boost to your body after your cleanse. Sugar raises serotonin levels-something that exercise can do as well and with a more sustained effect.


Plan to choose healthier options or eat small amounts more often if you turn to sugar to satisfy hunger. Eating four to six meals a day after your cleanse can keep your hunger in check so you don't give in to sugar cravings.


Rid yourself of all sugary products before you start your cleanse, and let everyone in your household know that you won't be eating sugar during the cleanse. If they must have sugary foods, ask them to keep the foods out of sight.

Cleanse to Stop Your Cravings


Choose a whole-body cleanse rather than one that's specific to a certain organ. Sugar cravings are systemic, so you want to treat your entire body to rid yourself of them.


Consider whether you should follow a cleanse that includes sugars. The Master Cleanse, for example, is an excellent whole-body cleanse that can stop your sugar cravings. However, on this cleanse, you mix lemon juice, cayenne and maple syrup to drink a few times each day. If you're afraid that you won't be able to control your use of the syrup, you shouldn't choose this cleanse.


Go on a juice fast to cleanse your body and give your digestion a break. If you choose a juice fast, stick with vegetable juices rather than fruit juices. Fruit juices contain much more sugar then vegetable juices and may support your sugar cravings rather than stop them.


Use a detoxifying diet as the basis of your cleanse. A cleanse doesn't have to be restrictive. Instead, it can be a time for you to develop good eating habits that can carry you through the rest of your life. Cut out meat, dairy and processed foods and fill up on complex carbohydrates and whole foods.


Stay on your cleanse for at least 3 days and up to a month, depending upon the method you choose, for the best results.

Tips & Warnings

Although sugary, processed foods probably won't appeal to you as much after your cleanse, stay away from sugars and fruit juices on the days after your cleanse. If your sugar cravings are habit, it can be easy to fall back into them.

How to Give an Upper Body Massage

How to Give an Upper Body Massage

A trained massage therapist usually gives a massage, but with the right environment, some oil and a comfortable place to stretch out, you can learn to give a basic massage to a friend. Use these steps to guide you through the most common hand techniques and the sequence of movements for an upper body massage. Read on to learn more.

Back Upper Body


Ask your friend to lie face down with the back exposed to the waist. Always start a massage by warming the oil in your hands before touching the skin. Place your hands flat against the lower back, one on each side of the spine, and your fingers pointing towards the neck. Slowly and softly, start to spread the oil up the back, without massaging the spine itself. Continue with your hands flat and gently effleurage going up to the neck, out to the shoulders and down the sides. Repeat this sequence three times to warm the muscles up.


Place both hands at the lower back, on either side of the spine, and start to make small circles using only your thumbs. Work your way up the back, continuing to avoid the bony prominence of the spine. Using a little more pressure with this technique is a good way to work out tension knots in the back, but shouldn't be painful at any time. Repeat this step several times.


Knead the muscles of the neck with gentle pressure. Use both hands that are well oiled, and then alternately squeeze and roll the area. The process is much like kneading bread. Pay attention to the neck area because this is where you may find a lot of tension.


Put one hand on top of the other and place them at the top of the neck. Using a figure-eight motion and the weight of your body, circle one shoulder, move across to the other shoulder, return to the center, then back to the first shoulder. Repeat this several times to relieve tension in the back.


Position yourself at your friend's head and place a hand on each side of the spine, with your fingers towards the back. Using the weight of your body, make a long full stoke down the back. As you reach the base of spine, begin to move your hands across the top of the buttocks, along the sides and back to the shoulders. Repeat this step three times, decreasing the pressure each time.


Start again at the base of the spine and perform effleurage along the full length of the back and up to the neck. Repeat three times, to cool the muscles down, decreasing the pressure each time until it's almost nonexistent.

Front Upper Body


Have your friend lie on her back, having the neck and shoulder area exposed. Warm the oil in your hands and start with a hand on either side of the upper chest. Use long, firm movements and stroke down to the center of the chest and out towards the sides.


Continue to take the long continuous stroke under the shoulders, back to the neck and pull the muscles gently as you move your hands along.


Beginning below the collarbone, use your thumbs to work across the upper chest and move out and away from the center, moving down slowly. Repeat this several times.


Lay your hands on the upper chest and point the fingertips down. Move your hands, gently across the upper chest, over the arms, up across the shoulders and then back to the chest. This is the last step of your massage and should be done gently and slowly to relax and cool down the muscles.

Tips & Warnings

Effleurage is a massage stroke used to warm the muscles at the beginning of the massage and cool them down at the end. Open your hands and with gentle pressure, allowing them to mold to the shape of the underlying muscle, move them slowly and continuously over the massage area. The general idea is to push as you effleurage up the body and pull as you come back down with gentle, long strokes.

Don't give a massage to someone with a heart condition, infections of the skin, varicose veins or swollen arthritic joints.

The spine itself should never be massaged.

How to Give a Scandinavian Massage

How to Give a Scandinavian Massage

Scandinavian massage is a therapeutic treatment that can alleviate stress and provide relaxation to the entire body. With warmed muscles, this type of massage provides varied levels of pressure all over the body.

Things You'll Need:

Herbal oils or lotions

Shower, bathtub or sauna

Flat surface


Allow the recipient to heat his or her body beginning with a shower, bath or some time in the sauna.


Use oil with herbal scents to penetrate the skin and provide lubrication.
and citrus work well, though other scents are pleasurable to many. Always ask the recipient if they are allergic to any of the products or scents you use.


Start on the back side of the body. Use long, even strokes, starting at the top of the back and gradually working your way down to the feet. Always position strokes in the direction of the heart. Ask the recipient if the pressure you're using is too light or too strong, and adjust accordingly.


Give attention to the upper and lower back, shoulders and neck, arms, buttocks, upper and lower legs, ankles and feet.


Ask the person to flip over onto their back. Use the same process on the front side, avoiding certain areas. Focus on the shoulders, the arms, upper and lower legs. Avoid the chest, abdomen and torso.


Give a deeper massage to enhance the treatment, or repeat the entire sequence using deeper pressure for a longer-lasting massage. Some Scandinavian massages can last up to two hours.


Tell the client when you are finished and allow them to dress.


Offer water to the person once the massage is complete. Maintaining hydration is essential once the muscles are loosened through massage.

How to Give a Scalp Massage

How to Give a Scalp Massage

With so many nerve endings covering the scalp area, the head and scalp are a great location to practice massage. Massaging this area can also help to relieve tension in the face and neck, making the experience even more beneficial. Give a scalp massage to induce relaxation.


Sit or stand at the head of the face-up receiver, who is reclined or lying flat, or stand behind the seated receiver.


Make sure hair is not wet. You may prefer to use lotion or oil during the massage. Always ask the recipient if this is okay first, as some may not want to dirty their hair.


Begin the massage by slowly, gently running figures through the hair and over the face.


Stroke your fingertips along the scalp from the forehead to the back of the head, using a repetitive motion. Repeat this step, this time from the sides of the head to the top.


Place your thumbs near the top or back of the head. Massage using your fingertips in small circles as they move across the scalp.


Use light chopping motions along the shoulders, from the left to right. Use the same motions along the scalp, from the middle of the head to the front hairline, and then down the sides toward the ears.


Use both thumbs to rub in alternate vertical directions along the back of the neck, placing each thumb on one side of the spine. Alter pressure from light to medium.


Finish by running fingers through the length of the hair, starting at the nape and working toward the top of the head.

How to Give a Leg Massage

How to Give a Leg Massage

The whole body can benefit from a good leg massage. It can relieve stress, improve circulation and lymph flow and may help alleviate back pain. Use these steps to guide you through the most common sequence of hand movements for a basic leg massage.

Massage the Front Leg


Have your friend lie on her back with one leg exposed from the hip down. Kneel beside the ankle, oil your hands and warm them up. Start at the shin, using the index finger and thumb to massage lightly. This area is sensitive and requires very little pressure.


Work your way up the leg with effleurage, increasing pressure slightly over larger muscles. As you reach the top of the leg, circle your palms around the hips, bring them back down the side of the leg, and out through the toes. This is one fluid motion in which you are essentially pushing as you go up the leg and pulling as you come down. Repeat this sequence 3 times to warm the muscles and distribute the oil.


Begin the kneading movement of petrissage at the thigh. Avoid the kneecap during a basic massage because it's a sensitive area and uncomfortable to some people. Work on the inner thigh, then continue over the top to the outer thigh.


Finish your front leg massage with effleurage and repeat it three times. Now you are using effleurage to cool down and relax the muscles. Cover the leg you have just finished and expose the other leg for massage.

Massage the Back Leg


Let your friend turn over and lie face down with one leg exposed from the hip down. Kneel beside the ankle and warm some oil in your hands to begin a light massage, using the index and middle finger. Remember the ankle is a sensitive area, so use very little pressure here.


Use effleurage starting at the calf and work your way up to the bottom of the buttocks. Increase the pressure as you reach the larger thigh muscle and the buttocks area. Continue up the thigh, circle your palms around the hips and pull down as you go back down the side of the leg and out through the toes.


Starting at the calf muscle, avoiding the back of the knee, begin to use petrissage up through the thigh. Use effleurage when transitioning from a sensitive area to a larger muscle so you don't lose the fluidity of the movements. Continue with petrissage as you work your way back down the leg.


Repeat effleurage three times to relax and cool down the muscles.


Cover the leg that was just massaged and expose the other leg for massage. When you have finished with both legs, cover your friend and allow her to completely relax her body.

Tips & Warnings

Use only enough oil to lubricate the skin and prevent friction. If the skin is dry or hairy, you may require more oil.

Avoid massaging anyone with varicose veins, heart problems or any type of skin infections.

How to Give a Hand Massage

How to Give a Hand Massage

A hand massage can be a euphoric experience, releasing tension from one of the most used parts of our bodies and sending relaxing feelings from the finger tips throughout the body. Treat yourself or a friend to a calming treat by giving a hand massage.


Soak the hands one at a time in a bowl of warm, soapy water for 5 to 10 minutes. In addition to increasing blood flow and relaxing the hand, it cleans and softens the skin.


Use oil as a lubricant. Peanut oil and olive oil work well. Avoid mineral-based oils.


Pour oil into the left hand. Work the oil into the skin using strong, circular strokes. Notice the oil warms as you work with it. This helps to increase circulation. Work with hands as if lathering them with soap to get muscles and tendons stretched and relaxed.


Begin at the base of each finger, gently pulling each finger out without popping the joints. Apply pressure while pulling the finger out toward the finger tip and thumb.


Turn the left hand palm up and use the pad of your thumb to rub the palm, using clockwise and counterclockwise circles. Pay close attention to the large lower thumb joint.


Face the same hand palm down now, and use your thumb to make long strokes with pressure. Move from the point between each finger toward the wrist. Apply generous pressure. Stroke between the long bones rather than directly on them.


Finish massaging the left hand by applying crosswise strokes back and forth across the top of the hand. Pay additional attention to the outer pad of the hand.


Repeat all steps on the right hand, and following the massage, allow hands to rest for 5 to 10 minutes.

How to Pick an Opal Birthstone

How to Pick an Opal Birthstone

The delicate opal birthstone is unique among the colored gems, with refractive qualities that create a rainbow effect, especially when tilted into the light. Most varieties of this non-crystallized silica are ground, rather than facet-cut. The intrinsic reflection of light doesn't need a facet, and the soft stone, which is prone to cracking, is more stable when left uncut. Discover how to pick among the major types of lovely opals.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Synthetic and natural light

Documentation of authenticity

Look into Harlequin or Fire Opals


View harlequin or fire opals set into birthstone jewelry in person, at a reputable dealer's store. Catalog or website photos won't do justice to the opal's signature flashes of color, which require movement to see.


Ask the dealer whether the stone is natural or has been treated to fill inclusions. Natural stones will have a higher value.


Pick an opal in the fine-jewelry setting of your choice or a more rustic piece, such as a polished boulder opal left in its natural shape.

Select a Common Opal


Pick a common opal that is thickly ground, especially when it is to be used in a ring setting. These will be less likely to suffer chips and scratches.


Select pale common opal jewelry that complements your complexion. View it in various lighting situations before buying.


Visit the International Colored Gemstone Association website for more information about opals (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

The opal birthstone marks an October birthday or a fourteenth anniversary, but its popularity is widespread for much more than just these special occasions.

"Inclusions," or natural internal fractures, give opals their unique refractive and reflective characteristics.

Harlequin opal is a scintillating stone that flashes reds, yellows and greens when polished. Fire opal reflects darker color wavelengths and may be faceted. Common opal is milky white or pink with less dramatic reflective properties.

Keep your opal jewelry "humidified" by wearing it often. Never spray it with water to achieve this state.

Consider your purpose in buying opal jewelry. Each variety is markedly different in look.

Opal's high water content makes it susceptible to damage from severe temperatures or chemicals. Don't use aerosols around your jewelry or leave it in a hot car.

Opal's softness lets it scratch and chip easily. Protect your jewelry, especially rings, from coming in contact with other objects, even in your jewelry drawer.

How to Pick an Evening Bag

How to Pick an Evening Bag

Evening bags come in an array of elegant looks to hold your essentials. Pick one that will match your dressy outfits. Enjoy carrying it next time you have somewhere special to go. Read on to learn more.

Things You'll Need:


Evening gown

Cocktail dress

Dress pants

Dress coat

Costume jewelry pin


Sequin top


Decide what kind of evening purse you desire. They come in all shapes and sizes.


Determine what type of outfits you will wear the purse with. Evening bags are appropriate with many looks, including an evening gown, cocktail dress, dress pants, a dress coat and even jeans with a dressy blouse or sequin top.


Consider a purse in sleek envelope style, a square box or a small round drop.


Decide if you want a flat purse, a bunched sack style or more of a structured frame to your bag.


Realize that there are different closures to select from. Some of the options include a bag that zippers at the top, one that has a flap that folds over, among other choices or a bag with a buckle to keep it closed.


Try evening bags with different straps. Some can be held with one or two straps like a small handbag, while others have a little loop attached to the side that you can clasp so the bag dangles. Other bags are just clutch style, which means you hold them flat in your hand.


Compare textures. Snakeskin is always a stylish choice, as is suede, satin and leather.


Select a neutral color to go with everything, or an unusual shade to make more of a statement.


Look for embellishments, such as rhinestones, jewels, glitter and beaded trim.


Remember that a metallic finish can add a little more interest.

Tips & Warnings

Buy a dress bag with a bracelet attached so it hangs from your arm. This is a modern option that is easy to carry and looks pretty, too. You can find the bangles in different metal finishes and stones.

Pin a piece of costume jewelry to a simple cloth evening bag to dress it up.

Try putting your cell phone, wallet, lipstick and keys in a purse you like to make sure it all fits.

Beware of very inexpensive purses. Always check the quality of the seams and zipper or clasp on any purse you are considering to be sure it won't rip or fall apart with basic use.

How to Pick an Emerald

How to Pick an Emerald

Are you considering buying emerald jewelry? Here are some guidelines for choosing the right emerald for your budget.


Decide whether you need to have an emerald that looks clear or has lots of inclusions. Natural emeralds tend to have very abundant inclusions or a cloudy appearance. Clarity is the most costly property of natural emeralds, because clear stones are so rare.


Determine how much you want to spend on the emerald. If you need a relatively clear gem, you may have to consider buying a man-made emerald. Decide between natural or man-made before you start looking, because the price ranges are different.


Start looking for emeralds on Internet merchant sites (see Resources below). The larger sites allow you to set a price and size range to browse. Prices of emeralds will depend on intensity of color and clarity within a given size range. Most emeralds are cut in the same shape, which is the rectangular emerald cut, but six other basic shapes are commonly available. If you can't find suitable choices in your size range, you will have to look for smaller stones or man-made emeralds.


Make your final choices on the basis of size, color and clarity within your price range. Then make sure the quality of the cut is acceptable, including polish and symmetry. Purchase your favorite emerald on-line, or use your internet shopping experience to help you buy an emerald from a local jeweler.

Tips & Warnings

Emeralds are crystals of the mineral beryl, with a hardness of 7.5 to 8.0. Care must be taken to avoid contact with other precious gems which can scratch emeralds.

Almost all natural emeralds are treated with cedar oil to increase the intensity of the color and reduce the appearance of inclusions. This treatment is widely accepted, and doesn't reduce the value of the emerald.

The best quality emeralds presently come from the Muzo district of Colombia.

Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May.

How to Pick an Emerald Birthstone

How to Pick an Emerald Birthstone

The emerald is the birthstone symbolic of love and success, so it makes the perfect gift to celebrate a marriage or major accomplishment in business or personal life. This rare and expensive gem, which ranges in color from pale sea green to a deep forest hue, is instantly recognized by most people. The emerald is the birthstone for those lucky enough to be born during the month of May.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Celebrate With Emeralds


Shop for emerald jewelry as a gift for a twentieth or thirty-fifth wedding anniversary or for a May birthday.


The gem's rich green color has special significance in America as a symbol of financial success.


Consider the gift of an emerald for a milestone achievement, such as a university or professional degree or a major business promotion. The gem's rich green color has special significance in America as a symbol of financial success.

Buy Quality Emeralds


View emeralds for color and cut, and compare before you buy. The most desirable emeralds are a rich, medium green and should be cut to reflect a maximum amount of light. These will also be the most expensive.


Locate a dealer affiliated with a national organization, such as the American Gem Trade Association, or pick a jeweler with a strong local reputation (see Resources below). These sources will be the most likely to offer the highest quality stones and ethical business practices.


Learn the history of the emerald you wish to purchase. Find out where it was mined and whether it is natural or treated.


Pick an emerald with character and brilliance. See how it looks against your skin tone. Pass on stones that seem dull and lifeless in your hand.

Tips & Warnings

"Inclusions" are natural faults within a gem that often result in visual veining. These are common and desirable in most emeralds since they add, not detract, from their
and interest.

Emeralds are often treated to fill large inclusions. This standard practice should not detract from their beauty.

Synthetic emeralds are difficult to distinguish from real, rare ones. To pick a natural emerald, rely only on documentation from a reputable dealer.

While hard and strong on the surface, internal inclusions weaken the overall structure of the emerald. Take extra care to protect emerald birthstone jewelry from impacts.

How to Pick an Aquamarine Birthstone

How to Pick an Aquamarine Birthstone

Aquamarine is the birthstone of choice for those who love the water. It is the color of the sea reflecting a sky-blue day, and is a durable and often flawless stone that is perfect for many jewelry settings. It is mined mainly in Brazil and China, and is widely available and moderately priced. Find out how to pick a quality stone that will last for generations.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Become a Savvy Consumer


Decide whether you wish to purchase treated or natural stones. Find out from the dealer whether your aquamarine has been enhanced or not. This disclosure is required by law.


View some unset gems to set your standards for color and brilliance. Color should be medium, rather than pale or dark. Brilliance should be judged by the amount of light jumping from the facets of the stone, rather than it being dull and lifeless.


Learn to judge clarity in aquamarines, which are different from other gemstones. Aquamarines should be bright and clear all over, without visible inclusions.


Compare pricing before you shop to buy, so you'll know if the stone in question is in the correct price range. The value of an aquamarine depends upon its rarity, color and brilliance.

Purchase an Aquamarine Birthstone


Find a dealer who is a member of a national or international gemstone trade association, such as the American Gem Society, which ranks members partially on ethics (see Resources below).


Pick various times of day or light settings in which to view the stone you want to buy. A single viewing under a bright jeweler's light won't simulate everyday conditions.


Pick an aquamarine stone or set of jewelry that "speaks" to you with light and true color.

Tips & Warnings

Many gems are "enhanced," or treated with heat to improve color. Indeed, some stones do not reach their full color without heat treatment. It's a personal choice whether enhancement matters and should play a part in your buying decision.

"Inclusions" are flaws that are darker than the overall color. These are natural and desirable in some gems, such as emeralds, and less desirable in aquamarines, due to their light hue.

If you view an aquamarine birthstone with visible inclusions, keep looking. There are many flawless aquamarines out there.

Avoid buying from a place that offers big discounts on everything. This can be a sign of poor dealer ethics.

How to Pick an Amethyst Birthstone

How to Pick an Amethyst Birthstone

Amethyst is the gem of ancient kings and clergy, for its violet hues complemented their purple robes and vestments. While only wealthy people could afford the costly dyed cloth, their overabundance of the good things in life encouraged overindulgence in spirits. Fortunately, amethysts were believed to ward off intoxication. Today, abundant amethysts come in all shapes and sizes at an affordable price. Discover the secret powers of this royal birthstone.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Pick the Right Amethyst for Your Purpose


Visit a reputable jeweler to find amethyst birthstone jewelry in a wide range of prices. A jeweler will display the gem's color and cut, which can encompass every hue of violet and every imaginable shape and size.


Join a local rock and gem club to learn more about birthstones and to find out about collector's shows, which are good shopping venues.


Pick an amethyst birthstone as a birthday gift for yourself or a friend with a February birthday. Amethyst was first associated with the astrological sign Pisces before monthly designations came into play in the twentieth century.


Select amethyst jewelry for a sixth wedding anniversary. Affordable amethyst can be set with more valuable gems for a worthy keepsake ring, bracelet or necklace.


Choose uncut amethyst crystals for their healing properties. Amethyst was once associated with Bacchus, the god of wine, and is still believed to promote sobriety. Buy one for your favorite bartender!


Learn more about your amethyst birthstone jewelry and how to care for it at the International Colored Gemstone Association website (see Resources below). The organization can also help you locate a dealer.

Tips & Warnings

Pick any gemstone as you would a diamond, for color, clarity and cut.

Birthstone gems are cut from a bottom point upward and outward, to reflect light. The bottom point is called the culet.

Amethysts belong to the quartz family.

Amethyst crystals are considered minerals, not gems, because although they may be polished or treated, they remain uncut.

Avoid poorly cut stones with a "window." If you can see through your birthstone from top to culet, this window severely reduces its brilliance.

Amethysts are neither rare nor fragile and should command a far lower price than other precious stones, such as rubies or diamonds. If your jeweler is charging top dollar for amethyst and cannot explain the store's pricing system, look elsewhere.

How to Pick an Alexandrite Birthstone

How to Pick an Alexandrite Birthstone

Alexandrite is the "magic" birthstone, for it changes color depending on the time of day or light source under which it is viewed. Daylight or fluorescent light shows its unique shade of emerald green, and incandescent light or candlelight turns it a deep ruby red. A rare and costly gem, the alexandrite shares the month of June with other honorary birthstones pearl and moonstone.

Things You'll Need:

Reputable dealer

Synthetic and natural light

Documentation of authenticity

Learn What to Look for in Quality Alexandrite


Pick an alexandrite birthstone for rarity. Alexandrite is mostly mined in its country of discovery, Russia. Russian alexandrite will be much more rare and costly than gems mined in Brazil, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Burma or Sri Lanka.


Choose an alexandrite for color. The truest hues of green and red, uncompromised by brown or black, are the most desirable. Those with the most dramatic color change will be the most expensive.


Select an alexandrite for price. When your budget is a greater priority than gem quality, choose lesser stones, such as those with windows or synthetic gems.

Shop Safely for an Alexandrite Birthstone


Choose a local dealer with a good reputation when buying an expensive and complex gemstone such as alexandrite. Look for a dealer associated with local, national or international business bureaus or gem trade associations.


Ask to view genuine natural alexandrite and the documentation that authenticates it.


Assess the color and brilliance of the birthstone under changing light conditions.


Assess the impact of "inclusions." These natural fault lines can diminish a gem's reflective qualities. A good jeweler will disclose a stone's inclusions and be able to discuss their impact on brilliance and price.


View a wide variety of stones before you pick one. The "phenomenal" color-changing quality of alexandrite can awe a first-time buyer.

Tips & Warnings

An alexandrite variant is chrysoberyl cat's eye, which features a striking lighter vertical streak down the center, usually in a contrasting color.

A birthstone with a "window" means that a gem has been cut so shallow that you can see through to the bottom of it. This affects its brilliance, and therefore its price.

Alexandrites are considered by the industry as "phenomenal" gems, or those with changing visual properties.

Genuine natural alexandrite does not need to be heat treated to achieve its colors. For the best quality, pick unenhanced alexandrite.

Laboratory-made, synthetic alexandrite is difficult for the consumer to distinguish from the true gem. A knowledgeable and trustworthy dealer is your best defense against fakes.

How to Pick a Neckline that Flatters You

How to Pick a Neckline that Flatters You

Here are a few of the simple shopping secrets you can use to purchase the right neckline to emphasize your best assets.

Things You'll Need:

Shirts and blouses of different neckline styles


Try a bateau to emphasize you neckline, also known as a boat neckline. This opens up to the shoulder with a slight curve. Bateau and other straight necklines flatter a longer face.


Try wearing scooped or dipped necklines for a slimmer look. These two are more slimming than crew necks because they break up large expanses of skin.


Wear V-neck shirts and blouses. Leave a few buttons of your collared shirt open to create a V-neckline. This look can pull the eye up to your face. A plain V-neck will elongate a round face, a low V-neck will flaunt your cleavage.


Cover up and wear a turtleneck. Unfortunately, wearing one if you have a large bust may make you appear larger due to the extra fabric. To minimize this effect, cover your shoulders with a wrap or stole for they are practical and can add sophistication to your overall look. Turtlenecks are flattering for tall women with long necks.

How to Pick a Necklace

How to Pick a Necklace

The right jewelry can really make an outfit. Whether you want to pick a bold costume necklace, or prefer a fine jewelry piece that is more understated, take the time to find just the right necklace that will work for your taste and your lifestyle. Read on to learn how to pick a necklace.

Things You'll Need:


Tape measure




Hair clip


Decide whether you want a flashy costume jewelry item or are willing to invest in a piece of fine jewelry.


Set a budget for your purchase. This will help you decide whether to shop at department stores, specialty shops or fine jewelry stores. You might want to explore all of these options.


Understand how you want to wear the necklace. Is it only for special occasions or for every day use?


Select the length you like. Use a tape measure to help you decide what sits right on your clothes.


Try on chains in various lengths with different shirt styles, such as blouses and scoop neck sweaters.


Narrow in on whether you prefer a silver or gold tone for this item, or a combination or both.


Consider if you want a simple style or want some jewels, charms or other accents on the necklace.


Remember that it's free to try, so don't be afraid to check out a wide variety of options and styles until you find something you like.


Get an appraisal for insurance if it is a valuable piece.

Tips & Warnings

Clip back your hair so you can see how the necklace looks.

Flip through jewelry store catalogues for some ideas of what's in style.

Look at vintage options. Some of the older necklaces are well-made and can be wonderful statement pieces.

Check the necklace clasp to be sure it is tight. If in doubt, ask the jeweler to replace it with something sturdier.